libcom's guide to further reading around the Comintern, or Third International.

*The Italian Left – Philippe Bourrinet
*The German Dutch Left - Philippe Bourrinet
*The German Revolution - H. Powys Greenwood
*The Wilhelmshaven revolt: a chapter of the revolutionary movement in the German Navy 1918-1919 by Icarus
*The Ruhr and Revolution - Tampke
*Revolutionary Hamburg - Comfort
*World Revolution and Communist Tactics – Pannekoek
*Communism versus Reforms – Pankhurst
*Reply to Communism versus Reforms – Pannekoek
*The New Blanquism – Pannekoek
*Pannekoek and Gorter’s Marxism
*Open Letter to Comrade Lenin – Gorter
*The Revolution is Not a Party Affair – Ruhle
*From the Bourgeois to the Proletarian Revolution – Ruhle
*Report from Moscow – Ruhle
*Programme of the German Communist Workers’ Party
*The Second Congress of the KAPD (resume)
The Origins of the Movement for Workers’ Councils in Germany – H. Canne Meijer
The KAPD in Retrospect – B. Reichenbach
Eclipse and Re-emergence of the of the Communist Movement – J. Barrot
International Communism in the Era of Lenin - Gruber
Left-Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder - Lenin
The Lost Revolution – Harman
The German Revolutions - Broue
Failure of a Revolution, Germany 1918-19 - Haffner
The First Five Years of the Communist International - Trotsky
Theses, Resolutions and Manifestoes of the 1st 4 Congresses of the 3rd International
Proletarian Order - Williams
The Occupation of The Factories - P. Spriano
History of The World Crisis - Mariategui
The Comintern - D. Hallas
The German Revolution and the Debate on Soviet Power
The Founding of the Third International
History of Socialist Thought, Vol. 4 - Cole
Congress of the Peoples of the East at Baku
The 2nd Congress of the Third International (Documents)
Pannekoek and Gorter's Marxism - D.A. Smart, Ed.
The German Revolution, 1918-1919 - Ralph H. Lutz
War and Revolution in Leipzig 1914-1918: Socialist Politics and Urban Evolution in a German City - David McKibbin
*The Socialist Left and the German Revolution : A History of the German Independent Social Democratic Party, 1917-1922 - David W., Morgan
The German Revolution of 1918: A Study of German Socialism in War and Revolt - A. J. Ryder
The German Revolution of 1918 - Henry Friedlander
A German Revolution : Local Change and Continuity in Prussia, 1918-1920 - Stephen C. MacDonald
Stillborn revolution : the Communist bid for power in Germany - Angress
Witness to the German Revolution: writings from Germany 1923 - Serge